Korvus Kreate

Meet Stephen McClain | His Artist Inspirations and Navigating Art Business

Season 1 Episode 2

Stephen is a giant nerd with a profound love for games, anime, and all things nerdy, most of his inspiration and subject matter are deeply rooted in these passions.

His journey into art began in high school, where he discovered his talent for charcoal drawing in an honors art class. His first charcoal piece ignited a fervent desire to master this medium and continuously improve his skills.

Steve's artistic pursuits led me to study art in college, While in college I attended my first convention at Salt Lake FanX. Inspired by the artists he encountered, he set a goal to sell artwork at a convention. Two years later, in 2021, he achieved this goal by selling art at Salt Lake FanX. He plans to return to FanX for the fourth time in 2025.

Follow Steven on social media:

Etsy https://www.etsy.com/shop/ArtByTwitchy?ref=profile_header

Steven's favorite artists:
Joel Piltch  https://www.instagram.com/joelpilch/?next=%2F

Ember house https://www.instagram.com/emberhousestudio/ 

Tofusenshi https://www.instagram.com/tofusenshi/

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